مواضيع في اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب البكالوريا

 نماذج من مواضيع في اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب البكالوريا من دفعة 2002 . النص حول الهجرة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

SECTION ONE: Reading Comprehension Read the following text carefully then answer the questions

The U.S.A is a country of immigrants, but today’s newcomers are different. Immigrants in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries became part of the great American melting pot. They learnt the language and integrated into the culture of their new home. But today’s immigrants keep their own culture. They have their own T.V channels, daily newspapers and magazines.

The English language has almost disappeared in many places. Parts of Florida, California and Texas are now Spanish speaking. In a huge supermarket in Rockville, Maryland, every customer is from the Fast East. You will hear Japanese, Korean and Chinese, but you won’t hear any English. And this language problem won’t get any better. Immigrant parents are demanding education for their children in their own language. If this happens, it will soon be possible to grow up in America and never speak English.

1) Choose a suitable title: On your answer sheet write the title which is most appropriate.

a. The English Language.

b. The U.S.A: A Country of Immigrants.

c. Immigrants and Language in the U.S.A

2.Are these statements true or false ? On your answer sheet, write the sentence letter and T or F next to it.

a. The U.S.A is a country of immigrants.
b. Immigrant’s parents are demanding education in English for their children.

c. You will not hear English in the U.S.A
d – Spanish is now spoken in Texas and California.

3) Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. Why is the American population increasing so rapidly these days ?

b. Compare the first immigrants to America and the newcomers.

c. What has happened to the English language in some American states ?

d. Does the writer think that the situation of the English language will improve ? justify your answer by quoting from the text.

4) Find in the text words or phrases that are similar in meaning to the following.

a. became part of (§1)

c. very big ($2)

b. has died out ($2)

d. nearly (82)

5) Find in the words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following

a. small ($2)
b. will improve ($2)
c. impossible ($2)

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